Synopsis for “A New Beginning”
Power Girl has moved to New York City to start out a new life. Shortly after her arrival, though, a giant storm swirls over the city. As the storm cloud starts to emit some kind of emotional shockwave which drives people fearful and mad, long hooks shot from the cloud embed themselves into the land, and an army of combat robots emerge from the tempest and start a rampage. Power Girl swiftly starts fighting them back.
As battling, Kara can’t but help think her day was in fact going well less than one hour ago. Resolute to start over, she had rebuilt her “Karen Starr” identity and rebought her old company, and she was working on getting Starrware Industries off the ground and hiring new employees.
All of sudden, Power Girl gets hit by a massive green beam and dragged into the eye of the storm and inside Ultra-Humanite’s flying base. Kara gets sickened by the egotistical, revenge-obsessed Ultra-Humanite, who reminds her of an arrogant scientist named Xander Blevin whom she just kicked out of her building because he wanted her to fund his bio-engineering mind-control technology.
Power Girl tries to overwhelm Ultra-Humanite’s telepathy and weapons as fighting him. However, Ultra-Humanite doesn’t intend to kill her but blackmail her into swapping brains. As his ship uproots the entire island of Manhattan, he declares he’ll destroy the city unless she gives up her body.